Get to Know Me

Emotions 101

TIPP to Surviving a
Panic Attack
When we feel big Have you ever experienced intense levels of worry, anxiety, or panic? It can feel like a wave of intense emotions, racing thoughts, and even physical pain. The T.I.P.P. technique is a quick and easy skill that can help your body move from the fight-or-flight stress response into a relaxed emotional state. First, let's talk about what the T.I.P.P. technique is. It's an emotion regulation skill that comes from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Play this card game to learn how to use the T.I.P.P. strategies!, it can be hard for our body to relax.
Belly Breath Freeze Dance
Have you ever noticed how your body reacts to big feelings? When we feel scared, angry, or frustrated, our body might tense up, our heart might beat fast, or our breathing might increase. Belly breathing is one way to help our bodies relax! Play the belly breath freeze dance to practice this important skill.


CBT 101
CBT Snowflake
Learning to challenge our negative thoughts takes a lot of practice! By identifying our initial thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can understand how events influence us. Then, we can restructure our thoughts and see how this might shift our feelings and behaviors. Practice the CBT triangle using this activity!

Exposure Experiment
When we feel anxious, we often notice physical sensations in our body. We might feel hot, breath fast, or think we will pass out. By experiencing these sensations on purpose, we can train our body to feel relaxed instead of anxious. This is called interoceptive exposure. Practice it here!


Question Key
Questions are a great way to learn new things! Sometimes our brain comes up with so many questions that it makes it hard for us to do our daily tasks. Regulating our behavior is a fancy way to say putting on the brakes when our body is moving before our brain. Practice regulating your body using the Question Key!

My Token Economy
A token economy is a behavioral system used to increase appropriate child behavior. Token economy systems use positive reinforcement, giving positive attention to increase desired behaviors. Use this document to learn how to effectively implement a token economy system for your child.

Practice Donuts Routine
Practicing the back-to-school morning routine before the school year even starts is a helpful way to prepare both kids and parents. The Practice Donuts Routine can help you and your child brush up on their school routine in a fun way that gets them excited for the school year!